Monday, October 25, 2004

Oh Well.
It's been 6 months since my last entry and frankly, I'm not surprised!
This is the thing about blogging, it does seem, so often and so intensly, to be a rather pointless exercise. The total readership of this blog is yet to reach the double-digit mark. Dismal indeed!

And yet.

So. In the past 6 months we've had:
The handover of something called "National Sovereignty" (or some other laughable euphemism) to the unelected (and unelectable) Iraki Interim Council by the American rulers (yes, not "rulers").
The last stretch of the presidential race (if you've just said "what country?" then go away and may you rot in a walmart fridge you bloody timewasters!). Kerry is predicatbly numb and nunbing, Bush is excelling as an amazingly accurate parody of himself and the neck-and-neck polls are sure to give the media here and there lotsa reason to engage in pretty effusive salivation.
Christopher Reeve is no longer. It's a shame.
Derrida is dead. He is Algerian by birth which certainly contributed to that usual tingling of guilt that occurs when you find yourself wishing you had paid attention to someone's work and life as soon as you hear of their death...

This blog is hopefully back into decently-updated-mode so do watch this space...

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